Missouri Synod

So how do we introduce to you the Missouri Synod?  It all starts back in Prussia (before there was a Germany).  The King was Reformed and his wife was Lutheran and so they couldn’t take communion together.  Being the King, he decided to change that and force a NEW theology, NEW hymnal and New religious life on his people.  Many Lutherans just wanted to be faithfully Lutheran and so they emigrated to the New lands instead of embracing a New religion.  They landed in Perry County Missouri, hence the name Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS).  Synod means walking together or taking the same path.  

We want to walk the same path that Christians have from the beginning, we want to be Faithful to our Lord and His Word.  We walk in the way of the Creeds and our forefathers and we want to do it without hypocrisy or compromise.  We are confessional, stating up front who we are and what we believe. We strive to stay true to our convictions and not bow to any political or social pressure. Some call that being stubborn, but faithfulness and honesty to who you are is important.  We don’t want others telling us our business and we don’t tell others.  Lutherans invented the distinction between Church and State.  We are faithful to our God and His Word alone! If that sounds good to you we’d love to tell you more.

You see as much as the “MoSyn” loves to keep to the Word we also love to share that word with others.  We love to share what we have (if they want) with those around us.  We have 2 seminaries and 10 Colleges and lots and lots of parochial schools to teach the faith to those around.  We have over 6,000 congregations and hundreds of missionaries all over the world and many small mission trips for people to get involved and make a difference. If you would like to learn more, please check out Synod and District websites via the links.

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Michigan District – The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

We’d love to see you in church so we can share what we have, what we believe. and who we are with YOU.